Ciutat dormitori - 22/23

Ciutat dormitori

Resident artist script by Pau Masaló Llorà and Irena Visa directed by Pau Masaló Llorà

14/06 - 18/06/23
Cementiri de Montjuïc

Show completed



Running time

1 h 30'


Montjuïc Cemetery (depart from Plaça Margarida Xirgu)


In Catalan and Spanish


€10 - €29


No debate

Winning project of one of the Teatre Lliure Extraordinary Grants to the creation Carlota Soldevila and one of the Ciutat de Barcelona 2020 Scholarships

The show winner of the 2021 Critics Award returns to the Street Arts show. An itinerant proposal by Pau Masaló that, telling the story and the operation of the Cemetery of Montjuïc, reflects with critical humour the idiosyncrasy of the city and the character of its inhabitants. A guided tour of the funeral grounds with curious encounters with cemetery workers and fun coral interventions.

Foucault said that "cemeteries then came to constitute, no longer the sacred and immortal heart of the city, but the other city." The cemetery is one of the most important symbolic places in any settlement. It is a "text" where it is possible to discern the community's social contradictions, urban dynamics, and the value given to life. In short, the cemetery is a concise and silent version of the city itself, and of its history and character. The etymological origin of the word comes from the Latin coemeterium, which literally means bedroom or resting place. Ciutat dormitori [Dormitory town] is conceived in terms of a travelling recitative, a kind of musical road movie, a critical and collective walk aimed at gaining a better understanding of the city's idiosyncrasy and the character of its inhabitants. This guided tour provides unexpected encounters with workers who tell their own stories and broaden our perspective of a location like this one.

El Temps de les Arts on performing arts 2022 Award.
MAX Award 2024 to the best Street Arts show.


Oriol Genís

With the involvement of

Juanjo Biarnés, Sergi García, Alberto Seco and Martín Torres

With the voices of

ARSinNOVA cor de cambra (Miquel Aguiló, Estel Alcañiz, Núria Ballestar, Elisabet Barroso, Pol Blancafort, Pere Carulla, Laura Farré, Miquel Ferrer, Fermí Herrero, Núria Jordana, Marta Latorre, Èlia Lucas, Joana Martínez-Mora, Maria Mauri, Francesc Minguella, Berta Morató, Gerard Morató, Adrià Pagès, Oriol Prat, Blanca Puig, Alba Ramírez, Quim Rom and Míriam Trias)

With the collaboration of

Bàrbara Roig

Involvement in the space and wardrobe

Laila Rosato


Adrià Pagès

Musical conduction

Maria Mauri


Clàudia Robert


Teatre Lliure and Contenidos Superfluos

In collaboration with

Cementiris de Barcelona

Supported by

ICUB and Ajuntament de Barcelona

Thanks to

Adrià Terol, Marta Aladren, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Carlota Serrahima, Pol Serrahima, Albert Pérez, Martín Torres, Modiband and Marc Tàpies

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