The order of a box New

The order of a box

Irena Visa - Carlos Carbonell
Original language
Query time
3' - 5'
Age range

A box is synonymous with a container: it contains something and isolates it from the rest of the space. What happens inside, inside the box, has its own way of doing, its order. It is like a representation of a universe separated from the real world by only four walls. Sometimes, this universe wants to imitate the real world, but it is often a good container to move away a little.
The size of the box is what will dictate the size of the universe it contains: from the grandeur of a theatrical stage box to the miniature that occupies the diorama of a nativity scene.

Take a box that you have within reach. It can be the size you want. Recreate within it the universe you would like to see: you can include figures and actions or you can recreate a landscape without characters. This box can be open to the public in a frontal or zenithal way.

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