Un dia, jo - Marina Congost

Ill Teatre Lliure – UB Awards

on Contemporary Theatre Studies


Show completed




Montjuïc. Espai Lliure


In Catalan and Spanish


Free previous booking


Hearing assistance via mobile phone

The Màster de Construcció i Representació d’Identitats Culturals (CRIC), the Research group Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona and the Teatre Lliure celebrate the second edition of the awards for the best TFG and TFM of contemporary theatre studios.

With the aim of promoting research in the field of contemporary theatre studies, the Màster de Construcció i Representació d’Identitats Culturals (CRIC), the Research group consolidates Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona – both belonging to the Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació – and the Teatre Lliure launched the 20/21 season two initiatives aimed at awarding the best research carried out by students of degree and master, which materialized in the call for two awards that recognize and encourage research in the field of contemporary theatre. This year, the event will award prizes to the best TFG and TFM of contemporary theatre studios defended during the last academic year 2022-2023.

The awards ceremony for the Best Final Degree Work (TFG) and the Best Final Master Work (TFM) will be included in the academic opening ceremony of the CRIC Master which will consist of two parts:

1. Presentation of the book Flexionar la diferència sexual amb els cossos. Escriptura i cos textual en la dansa a partir del pensament de la diferència, by Oriol López Esteve, winner of the second edition of the award and published by Edicions UB.

2. Plenary Conference «Abrazar el caos», by Lucía Miranda, stage director, playwright, art educator and founder of The Cross Border.